How is it different than Legacy Tallo?

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023


Tallo’s mission is to allow you to discover everything matching your learning or career journey and then help you get there. To that end, we’ve been constantly working on improvements and enhancements to the platform to better support you and recommend resources, opportunities, and pathways that are the perfect fit.

We’ve learned a lot from you, and our improvements directly reflect what you have asked for to better your experience on Tallo. This includes:

A Personalized experience

Tallo 2.0 is designed for better matching from the ground up. We want to understand you, your values, and your aspirations. From there, we offer a personalized experience to explore, engage, learn, and get matched with opportunities that fit your desired career journey.

Enhanced personal dashboard

Tallo has introduced an all-new personal dashboard custom to your interests and goals. Your dashboard includes:

  • Better recommendations served up daily
  • Better ability to save & pick up where you left off
  • Personalized Layout based on my goals using Tallo
  • Engaging new look and feel to motivate and encourage you on your exploration to a better career path.

Enhanced Profile and profile builder

Depending on where you are in your career journey, you can customize your profile to achieve your next goal best.

  • “I want to go to college and looking for scholarships” You can create a profile best suited for scholarship matching.
  • “I want to get a job/internship.” You can create a profile/resume appealing to potential employers.
  • “I don’t know what I want.” That’s fine; you can create a profile and explore with us.

Access the largest learning content library.

You can access the largest learning content library powered by Stride, ClassCentral, and other leading third-party providers.

Enhanced opportunity exploration and matches.

Tallo offers an all-in-one place to explore scholarships, internships, entry-level jobs, career journeys, and courses. Additionally, based on your profile and preferences, we recommend the best-matched opportunities and scholarships.

Why did we do this? Because the more successful and prepared you are, the more joyful and meaningful your learning or career path will be. We want to arm you with as much educational and career knowledge as early as possible so you can chart the best, unique path for yourself.

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